Denes nad Makedonija (Today over Macedonia) is the national anthem of Republic of Macedonia. The lyrics were written by Vlado Maleski and the music was composed by Todor Skalovski. The national anthem was adopted on August 11, 1992.
The anthem was performed for the first time on New Year’s Eve in 1942 in Struga in the house of Sotir Suta, where activists of the liberation movement of Macedonia from Struga and the Struga region attended.
In Vlado Maleski’s own words:
Given the situation, the aim was to gather the youth and under this form to discuss the upcoming armed resistance against fascism. Then I was informed about the attack on the police station in Prilep and the attacks in Kumanovo. As for the new year’s welcome program, myself, Boro Puthe and Dimche Kosharco, have prepared the song “Today Over Macedonia” which will soon become the most popular song in all of Macedonia and which until today is held as a kind of Macedonian anthem
The national anthem has four stanzas.
Macedonian | Transliteration | English Translation | |
First stanza | |||
Денес над Македонија се раѓа, ново сонце на слободата! Македонците се борат, за своите правдини! Македонците се борат, за своите правдини! | Denes nad Makedonija se raǵa, novo sonce na slobodata! Makedoncite se borat, za svoite pravdini! Makedoncite se borat, za svoite pravdini! | Today over Macedonia, is being born the new sun of liberty. The Macedonians fight for their own rights! The Macedonians fight for their own rights! | |
Second stanza | |||
Не плачи Македонијо мајко мила, Крени глава гордо, Високо, Старо, младо, машко и женско, На нозе се кренало! Старо, младо, машко и женско, На нозе се кренало! | Ne plači Makedonijo majko mila, Kreni glava gordo, Visoko, Staro, mlado, maško i žensko, Na noze se krenalo! Staro, mlado, maško i žensko, Na noze se krenalo! | Do not cry dear mother Macedonia, Raise your head proudly high, Old, young, men and women, rose to their feet! Old, young, men and women, rose to their feet! | |
Third stanza | |||
Одново сега знамето се вее, на Крушевската република! Гоце Делчев, Питу Гули, Даме Груев, Сандански! Гоце Делчев, Питу Гули, Даме Груев, Сандански! | Odnovo sega znameto se vee, na Kruševskata Republika! Goce Delčev, Pitu Guli, Dame Gruev, Sandanski! Goce Delčev, Pitu Guli, Dame Gruev, Sandanski! | Now once again the flag stands (that) of the Kruševo Republic Gotse Delchev, Pitu Guli Dame Gruev, Sandanski! Goce Delchev, Pitu Guli Dame Gruev, Sandanski! | |
Fourth stanza | |||
Горите македонски шумно пеат, нови песни, нови весници! Македонија слободна, слободно живее! Македонија слободна, слободно живее! | Gorite Makedonski šumno peat, novi pesni, novi vesnici! Makedonija slobodna, slobodno živee! Makedonija slobodna, slobodno živee! | The Macedonian forests are singing new songs and news! Macedonia is liberated It lives in liberty! Macedonia is liberated It lives in liberty! |

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