Macedonian postal and telephone codes
Postal (zip) codes and telephone area codes for Macedonia.
Discover MorePostal (zip) codes and telephone area codes for Macedonia.
Discover MoreThe figures were taken from the official censa conducted in the former Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (1953 – 1981) and later in the Republic of Macedonia (1991 – 1994).
Discover MoreSharplaninec is a breed of Antiquity, believed by many to be one of, if not the oldest true Molosser in the World.
Discover MoreMacedonia is characterized with high mountain massifs rich in flora and fauna, mountain rivers and tectonic lakes, numerous thermal springs, basins, and valleys.
Discover MoreMacedonia is a treasury of cultural wealth: the works of old builders and mosaic masters, icons, frescoes, carvings, paintings, old church books and other documents, or various folk handicrafts, can be found here.
Discover MoreA lot of struggles, injustices, sufferings and divisions have been impressed into the historical memory of the Macedonian people.
Discover MoreThe Republic of Macedonia is situated on the Balkan Peninsula, on the crossroads of the main routes which have for millenniums connected the three continents: Europe, Asia and Africa.
Discover MoreMacedonia is a historical and geographical area whose name originates from the classical period and which is mentioned as a land at several points in the Bible. Many travel writers have also experienced Macedonia as a biblical country. All who have described Macedonia in the past an in its more recent history have been fascinated by it.
Discover MoreThe rise of the great Macedonian kingdom began in the fourth century BC when both Athens and Sparta had passed their zenith and had exhausted themselves with 30 years fighting against each other. The Greeks regarded the Macedonians as “barbarians”!
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