
General information about Republic of Macedonia.

On Macedonia

On Macedonia

Macedonia is not an island. It has never been “a forgotten place” or “a place of forgetfulness”; it has never hidden from distance and threats behind opaque walls. It never took root in distrust, nor grew in a place where hatred of the Other might be considered an honorable shelter from the fear of the Other.

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The Macedonian Climate

The Macedonian Climate

Macedonia is a landlocked country. Its terrain is punctuated alternately by deep valleys and rugged mountains and hills. More than one-third of the country’s territory-primarily along the western side-is forested with such trees as beech, pine, and oak.

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Where is Macedonia

Where is Macedonia

The Republic of Macedonia is a small, landlocked country in the Balkans, bounded on the north by Serbia, on the east by Bulgaria, on the south by Greece, and on the west by Albania. Its capital is Skopje. Formerly part of Yugoslavia, it became independent in 1991.

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