Kumanovo – Куманово
Kumanovo is situated in the northeastern part of the Macedonia, near the capital city of Skopje. The coordinates of the city are approximately 42°05’N and 21°40’E. Kumanovo lies 340 metres (1,115 feet) above sea level.

Prilep – Прилеп
Prilep is situated in the northern part of Pelagonia Plain. It is often called “the city under Marko’s Towers” since the town is located on the skirts of the Towers of the legendary hero King Marko, who is common in Macedonian folk songs and tales as a powerful, wise ruler, and fighter against the Turks.

Macedonian – Greek Conflict
The Macedonian-Greek conflict is a very complex issue. Lots of books have been written about Macedonia, but many of them simply serve to justify the aspirations, propaganda, and the partition of Macedonia of 1913, by the neighboring countries such as Greece.

Anti-Macedonian Legal Acts in Greece
In order to justify their shameful and inhumane practices, the Greek authorities have issued a number of legal Acts infringing the identity of the Macedonian nation. It should be noticed that all the Acts run counter to the decisions of the agreement of August 10, 1920 and to the international legal Acts binding in this respect. Despite this, they are still in force.

The Macedonians of Aegean Macedonia: a British officer’s report, 1944
It is also important to emphasize that the inhabitants, just as they are not GREEKS, are also not BULARIANS or SERBS or CROATS. They are MACEDONIANS. Here I cannot dogmatise, as I do not know the history and particularly the ethnology of the MACEDONIANS. The GREEKS always call them BULGARS and damn them accordingly, except for EAM/ELAS, who for once in a way have shown some wisdom and who call these people ‘SLAV-MACEDONIANS’.