Macedonian postal and telephone codes
Postal (zip) codes and telephone area codes for Macedonia.
Discover MorePostal (zip) codes and telephone area codes for Macedonia.
Discover MoreMost people believe that Strumica was named after a beautiful young woman named Struma. The Tomb of Struma is located in the village of Veljusa. There are few legends who actually Struma was. One of them says Struma was King Marko’s sister.
Discover MoreStip is the largest textile production center in the country; Center of the fashion industry in Macedonia, as well as the location of the sole public university in eastern Macedonia, Goce Delcev University of Stip .
Discover MoreKratovo is known for its many reminders from the past. One of its symbols are its stone towers. Once there were twelve of them, but now there are only six towers remaining (Saat or Clock Tower, Simić, Krstev, Eminbeg, Zlatković and Hadži Kostov Tower). The towers were built in late Middle Ages, starting from late 14th century and were used not only for protection but also as storage rooms.
Discover MoreKumanovo is situated in the northeastern part of the Macedonia, near the capital city of Skopje. The coordinates of the city are approximately 42°05’N and 21°40’E. Kumanovo lies 340 metres (1,115 feet) above sea level.
Discover MorePrilep is situated in the northern part of Pelagonia Plain. It is often called “the city under Marko’s Towers” since the town is located on the skirts of the Towers of the legendary hero King Marko, who is common in Macedonian folk songs and tales as a powerful, wise ruler, and fighter against the Turks.
Discover MoreLocated on the shores of Lake Ohrid, the town of Ohrid is one of the oldest human settlements in Europe. Its ancient name was Lichnidos, which was used to refer to the settlement of Ohrid and the lake.
Discover MoreDebar is located in the western part of Macedonia, near the border with Albania.
Discover MoreBitola is the second largest town in Macedonia, situated in the southern part of Pelagonija Valley , on the upper flow on the both sides of the river Dragor, at an altitude of 600 meter height above the sea level.
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