Ohrid during the Balkan Wars – History of Ohrid
The presence of the Bulgarians in the Ohrid region will be remembered by the numerous robberies. A large number of objects, books, and other valuable chattel that were century-old testimonies of the growth and achievements of the Ohrid Archiepiscopate, as well as in art and literature were taken away.

Foreign Direct Investment in Macedonia 1997-2017
Top 10 countries investing in Macedonia from 1997 to 2017.

Honeyland – Медена Земја
Through an up-close look at the art of wild beekeeping and one of its last practitioners, a Macedonian documentary explores tradition, loneliness and the relationship between humans and nature.

The Ilinden insurrection and Ohrid – History of Ohrid
The revolutionary organization TMORO (The Secret Macedonian-Odrian Revolutionary Organization) was founded on 23rd October 1893 in Thessalonica.

The Revival – History of Ohrid
Dimitar Miladinov, the leader of the Macedonian Revival, was one of the prominent figures in the struggle against Greek spiritual influence.