Kavadarci – Кавадарци
Situated on the both sides of the river Luda Mara, Kavadarci is most famous for its vineyards and production of quality wines.

Skopje – Скопје
Skopje is the capital of the Republic of Macedonia. As largest city in the country, it is a political, economic, and cultural center of Macedonia. It lies on the upper course of the Vardar River and is located on a major north-south Balkan route between Belgrade and Athens.

Tetovo Guide
Tetovo is located at the foothills of the Shar Mountain in north-western Macedonia, 468 m above the sea level, on the edge of the Polog Valley. The city is separated by the river Pena, which flows from the Shar mountain.

The population in Macedonia from 1953-1994
The population in Macedonia from 1953-1994.

On Macedonia
Macedonia is not an island. It has never been “a forgotten place” or “a place of forgetfulness”; it has never hidden from distance and threats behind opaque walls. It never took root in distrust, nor grew in a place where hatred of the Other might be considered an honorable shelter from the fear of the Other.