Denial of human rights for Macedonians in Greece
Over 160 Macedonian villages were burned with significant loss of life and the remaining population forced to flee.

Chronology of the rule of Greece in Aegean Macedonia
The Greeks do not only persecute living Slavs (Macedonians)…, but they even persecute dead ones. They do not leave them in peace even in the graves. They erase the Slavonic inscriptions on the headstones, remove the bones and burn them.

Chronology of Macedonian History
Timeline of Macedonian History.

Stip – Штип
Stip is the largest textile production center in the country; Center of the fashion industry in Macedonia, as well as the location of the sole public university in eastern Macedonia, Goce Delcev University of Stip .

Kratovo – Кратово
Kratovo is known for its many reminders from the past. One of its symbols are its stone towers. Once there were twelve of them, but now there are only six towers remaining (Saat or Clock Tower, Simić, Krstev, Eminbeg, Zlatković and Hadži Kostov Tower). The towers were built in late Middle Ages, starting from late 14th century and were used not only for protection but also as storage rooms.