Tsar Samuil
It was considered that with the eradication of the Archbishopric of Ohrid the traditions cherished by the Macedonian people would also be eradicated.
Discover MoreIt was considered that with the eradication of the Archbishopric of Ohrid the traditions cherished by the Macedonian people would also be eradicated.
Discover MoreThe work of St. Naum of Ohrid has been extremely significant in preserving Macedonian identity.
Discover MoreThe manuscripts from Clement’s language tradition, with their illuminations, vignettes and initials and their linguistic structure undoubtedly originate from the tradition of Cyril and Methodius.
Discover MoreIn the course of the 7th century the Slav tribes which had settled in Macedonia were already attempting, through an association of larger tribal leagues, to take Salonica, which had remained as the single Byzantine base on the territory of Macedonia, and to create their own Slav state in Macedonia.
Discover More“Preaching without an alphabet and books is like writing upon the water,” said Constantine, whom the sources also call Teacher and Philosopher,
Discover MoreThe question of the origin of the founder of the Macedonian dynasty has called forth many contradictory opinions, mainly because sources vary greatly on this point.
Discover MoreI could not have blamed you for being the first to lose heart if I, your commander, had not shared in your exhausting marches and your perilous campaigns;
Discover MoreAlexander was born the sixth of Hecatombaeon, which month the Macedonians call Lous, the same day that the temple of Diana at Ephesus was burnt;
Discover MoreThe Hellenes considered Macedonian domination in the Greek states as an alien rule, imported from outside by the members of other tribes, the, as Plutarch says, allophyloi (Plutarchus, Vita Arati, 16).
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