Programmatic Premises for a Macedonian State (TMORO/VMRO)
The idea of a Macedonian polity and state demanded that equality of nations and minorities be established and that privileges based on nation, class, station and religion be abolished.

Ethnic Macedonians in Greece a human tragedy within the boundaries of the European Union
The violations of the basic human rights of the Macedonian minority members in Greece still continues. There does not seem to be much room for hope that the Greek government would act in accordance with her obligations and responsibilities under the international agreements and law.

Where are the Macedonians in Aegean Macedonia
Human Rights Watch concluded after visiting Aegean Macedonia that the large Macedonian minority in Greece is under daily oppression.

The Macedonian Uprising in Kresna 1878
The Kresna Uprising above all represents a high point in the development of the struggle of the Macedonian people for cultural, political, and social emancipation.

Macedonian Uprisings in the 19th and the Beginning of the 20th Century
On St. Elijah’s Day, Ilinden, August 2nd, 1903, in answer to TMORO’s call, the people rose up in rebellion. During the previous month preparations had been made and the whole territory divided into rebel regions and districts led by staff officers.